Roller Drama is an intriguing blend of strategy, management sim and visual novel that follows the lives of five professional roller derby athletes, and it's coming to PS5 and PS4 in 2023.

Set in an oppressive and surveillance-based society, in Roller Drama, you play as the mentor and coach of the team. You will need to guide each player through decisions that will have ramifications both on and off the track. Manage full contact matches using a blend of strategy and real-time controls, and help each team member navigate the dystopian society in which they live.

It's a cool premise, and roller derby-inspired games seem to be a thing at the moment, with the upcoming Rollerdrome shaping up to be an excellent adventure on wheels, and Ubisoft vowing that Roller Champions will keep on keeping on, after rumours that the title would be cancelled.

What do you think of Roller Drama? What do you make of this burgeoning roller derby cottage industry of games? Take your marks, get set, and go to the comments section to let us know.
